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Makaibari is the pioneer of organic-biodynamic tropical agriculture, becoming the first organic and biodynamic estate of Darjeeling. With 1,100 acres of primary rainforest and approximately 550 acres in their midst of tea, Makaibari is one of the largest tea estates in Darjeeling. The four hundred species of indigenous birds, a plethora of wild animals, the unique insects that are found nowhere else on earth, are our pride and joy. 

Darjeeling Makaibari, Organic

  • Tasting Notes

    Flavor Profile: Floral, Apricot, Sugarcane


  • Steeping Instructions

    Steeping Instructions

    Water: Per 8oz (1cup) of water

    Tea: 1 tsp

    Temperature: 212º

    Time: 4 minutes (3 minutes for lighter brew, 5 minutes for strong brew)

  • Caffeine

    Black  60-75mg

    Matcha  60-80mg

    Oolong  30-45mg

    Green  15-30mg

    White  10-15mg

    Purple 10-15mg

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